Ref Number = PITIKA-ASPR0055
Gregory Joey, Vivekenanda Pateda
Objective: Glycosuria happens when the glomerular filtration of more glucose than the renal tubule can absorb. Glycosuria may be one of the earliest symptoms in patients with diabetes mellitus without the classic symptoms, which may exhibit in children with diabetes mellitus. Obesity was one of the leading risk factors in children for the occurrence of diabetes mellitus and urine glucose testing was an easy method to detect the glycosuria. In many countries, positive glycosuria leads to further testing in order to neither diagnose nor exclude the children to have diabetes mellitus. This study was commenced to determine the prevalence and the relationship between several risk factor of glycosuria among obese adolescents in Manado.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted enrolling 10-18 years old children. Anthropometric measurement of body weight and height was done and information regarding risk factor of DM was collected from the questionnaire. Dipstick urinary reagent strips test did the determination of glycosuria. The relationship of several risk factors associated with glycosuria was analyzed using chi-square and the strength between to association was measured with the phi coefficient correlation test.
Results: From 203 adolescent, 83 adolescent have obesity and 120 adolescent have normal nutritional status. None of them have sign and symptoms of acanthosis nigricans nor classic diabetes symptoms. Among them, 12 children consist of 8 boys and 4 girls have glycosuria, which in 9 of them have obesity, and 3 of them have normal nutritional status. From statistical analysis, there was a significant association between obesity and glycosuria even though the correlation was weak (OR, 4.743 p=0.013). There was no association between several risk factors as the birth weight, history of gestational nor familial DM, activity, and amount of food and snack consumed with glycosuria.
Conclusion: There was an association between glycosuria and obesity within adolescent in Manado.
Keywords: diabetes, glycosuria, obese adolescent
Disclaimer: The Views and opinions expressed in the articles are of the authors and not of the journal.
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