Eifraimdio Paisthalozie, J.R.Pavliando Saragih, I Dewa Ayu Dini Primashanti, Novita Tjiang, Kadek Dwi Wedantara
OBJECTIVE : Malaria still become top priority of public health issue’s tropical countries, especially in Indonesia. East Nusa Tenggara placed itself as the second highest province with malarial infection incidence (6,8%) and prevalence (23,3%). The Annual Parasite Incidence of this province is 7,04% and becoming the third highest. In West Sumba, malaria still standing at the top position compared to another 10 public health issues, accounted for most of the mortallity in children. This study was conducted to reveal the characteristics of children with malarial infection in age group 1-12 years, being treated in Waikabubak Regional Hospital in 2017. METHOD : This was a retrospective descriptive study, utilizing medical records as its sample. The data, furthermore analyzed with computer program. RESULT : From 216 samples which are included in the study, the highest percentage goes to male children (58,8%, n=127), age group 1-4 year (46,8%, n =101), children with Weight for Age < 3SD (45,4%, n=98), length of stay 3 days (31,9%, n=69). Thirty one children suffer from cerebral malaria as its complication, two of them caused by Plasmodium vivax. Severe anemia (Hb < 5 gr/dL), observed in 22 children. Plasmodium falciparum was the most found species (63,4%, n=137). CONCLUSION : Morbidity of malaria disease in children still needs attentions, especially in children with severe underweight. Plasmodium falciparum was being accounted for the cause of most malaria infection in Waikabubak Regional Hospital and complications such as cerebral malaria and severe anemia were still found in the period of treatment.