Bambang Tridjaja, Nastiti Kaswandani, Titis Prawitasari
Objective : To obtain faculty perception on pediatric resident competency level. Method : The Resident assessment questionnaire (ReAQ) consisting 19 items was used for this purpose. Resident are evaluated on a five point scale from 1 (“poor”) to 5 (“excellent”); the last item of the ReAQ requires an overall comprehensive judgment; by the faculty member. Competency was based upon the ACGME competence medical knowledge, patient care and procedural skills, professionalism, interpersonal and communication skills, practice-based learning and improvement, and Systems-Based Practice. Result : Overall satisfaction rate of faculty members on resident performance was low (<70%). Competencies regarded as unsatisfactory was leadership; curiosity, creativity, and initiative; accuracy in collecting medical histories and in performing physical examination, ability to identify elements relevant to formulate diagnostic and therapeutic plans, autonomy in managing clinical-care problems; level of basic medical knowledge, and ability to incorporate evaluations and feedbacks into the daily practice. The questionairre was describe as easy and friendly, potential for routine use by faculty members. Conclusion : ReAQ is a potential easy to use assessment instrument. ReAQ can be used to detect the overall level of competency achieved by the residents at a certain point of time. ReAQ can also be used by the residency program for individual basis such as the program Pembimbing Akademik.