Fitri Amalia, Agustini Utari, Gatot Irawan S
Objective: Congenital Anomalies (CAs) are important causes of neonatal mortality and long-term disability. The prevalence of CAs varies over time and depends on geographical location. The study aimed to identify the risk factors of mortality in neonatus with CAs. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in Dr Kariadi Hospital between January-December 2018. Data were taken from inpatient medical records. Neonatal and maternal factors were analyzed using chi-square or fisher exact. Results: There were 72 neonates with CAs (male; 35, female; 37) and 65% died during hospitalization. The most common CAs were multiple congenital anomalies 30 (41,7%) patients and digestive system anomalies 21 (29,2%) patients. CAs with syndrome were found in 72,9% patient cases. Low birth weight <2500 g (OR 4.86; CI 1.7-13.91; p=0.05) and gestational age <37 weeks (OR 3.5; CI 1.12-10.89; p=0.049) were significant risk factors for mortality in neonates with CAs. Age (OR 0,65; 0,18-2,31CI; p=), sex (OR 0.86; CI 0.317-2.26; p=0.934), were not significant risk factors. Maternal factors such as maternal age, polyhidramnion, and other comorbidities were not significant risk factors for mortality in neonates with CAs Conclusion: Low birth weight and prematurity were significant risk factors for the mortality in neonates with congenital anomalies.