Ref Number = PITIKA-ASPR0272
Alvivin; Adriany,Stephany
OBJECTIVE: Acute glomerulonephritis (AGN) is a case that commonly found in hospitalized children at dr Ben Mboi Ruteng General Hospital. Aim of this study is to know the clinical characteristics and most common laboratory findings in hospitalized children with AGN in dr Ben Mboi Ruteng General Hospital.
METHOD: This study is a descriptive retrospective study by taking medical records of patients with AGN or acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis (APSGN) during the period of August 2017-2018 at dr Ben Mboi Ruteng General Hospital.
RESULT: During August 2017-2018 there are 37 patients from 45 patients with AGN or APGSN that fulfilled inclusion criteria, there are 22 female patients and 15  male patients. The age range are between age 2-16 and the most common is between age 8-10. Edema found in 32 patients, 19 patients with local edema and 13 patients with anasarca edema. Macroscopic hematuria found in 17 patients.  A history of upper respiratory tract infections found in 28 patients, whereas a history of skin infections found in 5 patients. Hypertension found in 36 patients, 7 patients with grade 1 hypertension, 26 patients with grade 2 hypertension, and 2 patients with crisis hypertension. Anemia found in 21 patients, leucocytosis and hypoalbuminemia found in 27 patients, while thrombocytopenia found in 3 patients. Low glomerular filtration was obtained in 16 patients.
CONCLUSION: The most common clinical presentation and laboratory findings found in hospitalized children in dr Ben Mboi Ruteng General Hospital with AGN are hypertension, microscopic hematuria, edema, and proteinuria therefore if we found children with hypertension and microscopic hematuria without any other clinical presentations we must consider diagnosis of GNA because incindence GNA in Ruteng is high. It is required for the specific examination like C3 complement and Antistreptolysin O Titer (ASTO) test to find out the cause of GNA.
Keywords: Acute glomerulonephritis; clinical profile
Disclaimer: The Views and opinions expressed in the articles are of the authors and not of the journal.
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