Lingga Pradipta, Amiruddin L, Rahmawaty Rahimi
Background. Bronchiectasis is a chronic progressive disease characterized by dilatation the bronchi and bronchioles that is settled and thickening a wall of the bronchi. This condition is caused by chronic viral or bacterial infection, and inflammation followed by the release of mediators. Severe lower respiratory infection early in life is the most likely cause of bronchiectasis. The frequency of this disease is reported to be higher in developing countries which report a lot of tuberculosis, measles and HIV infection. The diagnosis of bronchiectasis should be based on anamnesis, physical examination and other supporting. Therapy should be given immediately after the diagnosis is done, to overcome obstruction of respiratory tract and infection. Objective. To report a 7 years 4 months old boy with bronchiectasis due to pulmonary tuberculosis. Case. A Boy aged 7 years 4 months hospitalized with persistent complaints of dispnea accompanied by productive cough since 1 month before admitted to hospital, with a past history of pulmonary tuberculosis treatment for 1 year. Physical examination revealed malnourish, tachypnea, nasal flare, barrel chest deformity, subcostal and intercostal retraction, hipersonor, crackle in both of lung, wasting and clubbing fingers. TB score was 7. On 23 days of hospitalized, the patient still dispnea but was decreased. Laboratory examination obtained WBC 12,560 / mm3, Hb 10.4 g / dl, PLT 484,000 / mm3. Examination of sputum BTA with negative results, sputum genexpert undetectable. Chest x-ray : active pulmonary TB extensive lesions. CT-Scans thorax without contrast: active pulmonary TB lesions is extensive accompanied by infected cystic bronchiectasis and suspected pulmonary abscess. This patient received oxygenation, antibiotic and mucolytic therapy. Conclusion. Cases of a boy aged 7 years 4 months with bronchiectasis post pulmonary tuberculosis treatment has been reported. This situation is a complication of pulmonary tuberculosis that is irreversible. The prognosis was poor.