Hodgkin’s lymphoma is one of the most common
malignancies of childhood involving lymph nodes and extra nodal sites. (1)
Lymphomas may occasionally masquerade as a infectious illness. (2)
Tuberculosis may present similar to many other
disorders and masquerade many other diseases too. (3) Tuberculosis is still a
major public health problem in India. (4) The annual risk is between 2 and 5%
in young individuals to acquire infection (5).
There are many case reports and studies which has
highlighted the diagnostic difficulties in differentiating lymphoma and
tuberculosis. This difficulty may lead to delay in diagnosis which may worsen
patient prognosis.
A 5 month retrospective study from South Africa
showed that 18 among 21 patients of lymphoma were wrongly diagnosed with
Tuberculosis in one year period prior to the confirmation of lymphoma by
histology. (6)
Both Tuberculosis and Follicular lymphoma (FL) may
have evidence of granulomatous inflammation in Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
(7) This may lead to the misdiagnosis of lymphoma as
tuberculosis. Both Hodgkin’s as well as non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, may have
non-caseating sarcoid-like granulomas (2,8,9). These extensive granulomas may
mask the malignant process which may lead to the false diagnosis of
tuberculosis. (10)
We are presenting a boy of 12 years old with history
of swelling in the left side of the neck for 2 years, which is insidious onset
and slowly progressing. He had no history of fever, cough, cold, throat pain,
difficulty in swallowing, loss of appetite and weight loss.
On examination, child had left sided upper cervical
lymphadenitis measuring 5*6cms, not warm non tender, firm and discrete with no
matting. (Fig 1)
The child was evaluated in Bihar for the same
swelling underwent FNAC of the cervical lymph node showed granulomatous
inflammation. In our hospital, child was admitted and FNAC was repeated which
showed granulomatous inflammation. An Ultrasonogram of the neck showed evidence
of tuberculous lymphadenitis. Lymph node material was tested negative for
tuberculous acid fast bacilli (AFB) and CBNAAT. Sputum for AFB was also
negative. Chest Xray was normal.
The child was started on ATT after registering with
RNTCP. He developed urticaria,skin rashes all over the body and stopped ATT and
restarted with 3 drugs HRE.
The child was admitted in July 2021 for acute
gastroenteritis and got treated for the same. The child was again reevaluated
for cervical lymphadenopathy since it was persisting with no change in size of
the swelling. Hence excision biopsy was done which showed many Reed Sternberg
cells (RS cells) which were large mononuclear, binuclear and multinucleate
cells- features suggestive of Hodgkin’s lymphoma- mixed cellularity type. CECT
with contrast was done for systemic evaluation showed multiple well defined
discrete lobulated homogeneously enhancing enlarged lymph nodes in left
cervical, axillary, paratracheal regions. Multiple rounded hypodense lesions in
the spleen measuring 10-15mm in size. There were few small non enhancing
lesions in bilateral kidneys suggestive of lymphoma- ANN ARBOR staging-stage IV
(involvement of bilateral kidneys).
The child was referred to oncologist and started on
chemotherapy. The child is in regular follow up with complete resolution. (Fig
Fig 1 showing clinical photograph showing lymphadenopathy pre treatment
2 showing clinical photograph post treatment
The differentiation between Tuberculosis and Hodgkin
lymphoma may be quite challenging. The symptoms may be fever, cough,
lymphadenopathy, fatiguability, loss of weight and night sweats. Mantoux test
may be negative in Hodgkin’s lymphoma despite having active Tuberculosis
because of defective cell mediated immunity. (11)
Chest Xray and Computed Tomography are preferred
imaging modalities but cannot conclusively differentiate the HL and
Tuberculosis. Newer imaging modalities like Single positron emission CT (SPECT)
or PET imaging shows hypermetabolic lesions in both, so it canot help I
differentiating the two. (12)
Hence, the most specific and sensitive diagnostic
procedure is the Biopsy. The caseating or necrotizing granulomatous lesions
typical for TB may also be seen in HL and NHL. (13) Reed Sternberg cells (RS
cells) are not entirely specific for HL. The expression of CD 15 and CD 30
antigens on RS cells is diagnostic of classic HL.
Similarly, to confirm tuberculosis, the presence of
AFB in biopsy and/or culture is required. (14)
So, to diagnose HL or TB lymphadenitis, excision
biopsy is considered the gold standard investigation in evaluating cervical
lymphadenitis than FNAC. The Gene Xpert test of lymph node material in smear
positive samples differentiates tuberculous and non-tuberculous mycobacteria.
It is a rapid diagnostic test for TB.
A study from Chennai of 172 patients with HL, which
showed 32 patients had already given empirical ATT without the evidence of
active TB, even before the diagnosis of HL. (15)
Studies across the world recommend a change in
current guidelines to enhance a faster and more accurate diagnosis of lymphoma.
A management algorithm proposed by a south Africa study recommends patients
with presumed TB who are AFB smear negative should initially be treated with
anti-tubercular medication as per guidelines (6,16,17).
If there is no improvement after a month of
treatment and if patient remains AFB smear negative, then biopsies should be
done for histopathological evaluation of lymphoma, tuberculosis and other
possible pathology.
This case report highlights the challenging nature of
diagnosing lymphoma from tuberculous lymphadenitis. Both present with
lymphadenitis, granulomatous inflammation in histology which delay in correct
diagnosis of lymphoma.
Early diagnosis of Hodgkin’s lymphoma is very
important. Dilemma in the diagnosis can be solved with excision biopsy of the
lymph node and Gene Xpert test of the lymph node material. The prognosis of
Hodgkin lymphoma is very good with high cure rate in children if diagnosed
early and treated promptly.
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