Ovarian torsion represents an important differential
diagnosis for acute abdomen in children. Prompt diagnosis and early treatment
saves adnexa from further damage. Clinical signs of appendicitis overlap
torsion of ovary. Reporting an interesting case of 10 year girl child with
acute abdomen diagnosed with torsion of right ovary, which was surgically
managed with no further complications.
Torsion of ovary
constitutes approximately 2.7% of all cases of pain abdomen in children 1,2.
Early diagnosis of torsion of ovary and management in the form of detorsion of
ovary prevents further damage to adnexa. Surgery is lifesaving in children
especially girl child. Other conditions of acute abdomen overlap torsion of
ovary, so early diagnosis of this condition is challenging for paediatricians.
Fallopian tubes
normal movements cause ovarian rotation with its blood vessels leading to
vascular compromise, infarction, necrosis and adnexal damage. Complications of
torsion of ovary are high in children because it is rare and clinical signs and
symptoms are non-specific and overlap with other causes of acute abdomen 2.
Torsion of ovary
happens in ovaries with masses, cysts and tumors. Right sided torsion of ovary
is common than left side because of restricted movement of left ovary due to
presence of sigmoid colon 3.
We are reporting
an interesting case in a ten year girl child presenting with acute abdomen
diagnosed as torsion of right ovary.
Ten year old girl
child came with history of severe pain abdomen and vomiting for one day to our
pediatric outpatient department. Her pain abdomen was severe, present in the
lower abdomen, unable to sleep or eat, not relieved by medication and also had
15 to 20 episode of vomiting, non-bilious and non-projectile. No history of
fever, burning micturition or loose stools.
During examination
the child’s vital parameter was normal. Her abdomen examination reviled
tenderness in the right lower quadrant with guarding, no rebound tenderness.
Child had tenderness in the pelvic and supra pubic area, no tenderness in the
right inguinal area. Signs of acute appendicitis such as Rovsing and Psoas
signs were absent. Other systemic examination was normal.
investigation revealed total cell count of 16150 cells/cu.mm with normal
hemoglobin, platelet and hematocrit. Ultrasound of the abdomen and pelvis
showed enlarged right ovary with decreased venous outflow and normal arterial
blood flow with normal left ovary. MRI of the abdomen revealed enlargement of
the right ovary measuring 4.5*1.7*2.3 (volume – 8.8 cc) with multiple
peripherally arranged subcentimetric follicles and edematous central stoma.
laparoscopic laparotomy was done, which revealed hem peritoneum (30-40 ml),right
fallopian tube edematous and hemato salpinx, with bulky right ovary, there was
one torsion of right ovary and fallopian tube, with normal uterus , left ovary
and fallopian tube. Bilateral oophoropexy done by Hot dog bun method with no
post operative complications. Child was treated with IV antibiotics
(ceftriaxone and metronidazole for 5 days). She was discharged after 7 days
with no further complications. On follow up examination, child was healthy.
Torsion of ovary
in children is a rare cause of pain abdomen, its incidence is 3% among causes
of acute pain abdomen in females 4. Frequency of torsion of ovary in
common in adolescents and young females 5. Diagnosis of torsion of
ovary is difficult due to other similar conditions like acute appendicitis,
urinary tract infections, renal colic and renal stones etc 6. To
diagnose torsion of ovary, ultrasound of abdomen is required. Findings include
non-visualized ovary or adnexal mass on the ipsilateral side 7,8.
Children older
than 12 years and young women with cyst in ovary, long fallopian tubes and
supporting ligaments, venous congestion due to raised pre menarche activity
develops torsion of ovary 9.
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