1- Faculty
of Medicine UPN Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia,
2- Hermina
Bekasi Hospital, Bekasi, Indonesia.
3- Department
of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia Cipto Mangunkusumo
Hospital Jakarta, Indonesia
Background: Central Nerve System (CNS) involvement in tuberculosis occurred in 10% of cases, but only 2 % developed into spinal intramedullary tuberculosis (SIMT). It is rarely found in children and often misdiagnosed as paravertebral mass.
Aims: To describe the manifestation of spinal intramedullary TB in children and to encourage awareness in diagnosing SIMT with non-invasive procedure
Case Description: A 13-year-old girl with progressive inferior
paralysis, suspected as ependymoma from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). After
laminectomy and biopsy procedure, chronic granulomatous tissue with positive
result of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) was obtained in histopathology result.
Patient got antituberculosis treatment (ATT) and rehabilitation. Gradually
significant result showed after 2 months of treatment.
Conclusion: SMIT is rare in children. Early diagnose and intervention showed a good
response. Though it is difficult to differ with paravertebral mass, rapid
biomarker or tuberculin test could be used to diagnose SIMT before further
invasive procedure.
Keywords: Diagnostic, tuberculosis, spinal tuberculosis, SIMT
Tuberculosis (TB) still become the
big burden of child health in Indonesia. Until 2019, there are 543.874 TB cases
in Indonesia and 11% occurs in children 0-14 years old.1 Involvement of Central
Nerve System (CNS) in tuberculosis occurred in 10% of TB cases, in which
meningitis TB is the common manifestation, by contrast Spinal Intramedullary
Tuberculosis (SIMT) occurs only 2% among all cases of CNS TB and common in
young adult patient.1-5
This case reports a rare case of 13
years old girl with a progressive paralysis of inferior limbs who is diagnosed
as intramedullary thoracic mass in the beginning and had been diagnosed as
Intramedullary TB after histopathology result.
A 13-year-old girl had a
progressive weakness on both legs for 4 months before the hospital visit. There
is no history of fever, cough, rhinitis, hard of breathing, night sweats,
weight loss, or appetite loss. She had been stayed in a boarding school for 2.5
years, had a complete immunization, and no history of TB in the family.
Physical examination showed paresis of both legs with level of motoric value respectively 1111/1111 and paraesthesia as high as T10 level (Frankel Score A). No vertebral deformity and autonomic nerve dysfunction. No abnormality in the blood result. MRI revealed kyphosis curve, no listhesis, intact corpus vertebrae, no compression fracture, but an hypointense lesion was found in T1-T2FSE and T2FS intradural intramedullary as high as T8-9, rounded, demarcated with irregular edge, intensity inhomogeneity with contrast, sized 1.7 x 1.3 x 1.4 cm (Picture 1).
A laminectomy biopsy was performed
for diagnostic procedure. Small fragment stroma pollinated by lymphocyte with
epithelioid cells, datia langhans cells and necrotizing foci found in
histopathological test and acid-fast bacilli test showed a positive result
(Picture 2).
According to histopathology result, she was diagnosed as Spinal Intramedullary TB and got 1st line intensive phase of anti-tuberculosis treatment (Rifampicin, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol). After 2 months of treatment and rehabilitation, she could walk though needed a company, nevertheless the motoric value increased to 4444/4444 (Frankel Score D).
Picture 2.
Chronic granulomatous tissue with Datia Langhans cells (A, B, C) and positive
Acid-Fast Bacilli (AFB) Test (D)
TB infection of central nerve
system (CNS) is divided into 4 categories: Potts’s disease (spondylitis TB),
non-osseus spinal tuberculoma (extra-dural, intra-dural extramedullary,
intra-medullary), tuberculous arachnoiditis, and meningitis TB.3
Spreading mechanism of spinal
tuberculosis is similar with spondylitis, through blood flow (hematogenous) of
epiphyseal arteries or batson venous plexus from paravertebral vein branches.
It associated with the riches of vascularization in young patient compared to
the elder. 6,7 It is common in thoracic spinal cord region (55%),
because of its high mobilization to endure a pressure, and patient with
SIMT could be performed with or
without systemic symptoms of TB or primary lung TB infection. Therefore, SMIT
is difficult to diagnose early and often misdiagnosed as paravertebral mass.
Ming Lu reported differential diagnose including astrocytic glioma, ependymoma
and hemangioblastoma. It could be differed from MRI, in early phase showed
severe edema around lesion without capsule but as developing caseation.
process, a specific “target sign”
showed in radiological finding.4,10 Previous study of SIMT in adult patient,
SIMT didn’t consider early because no primary TB, vertebral deformity, or
typical MRI finding, that commonly found in spinal TB. Though antitubercular
didn’t administer early but after acid fast bacilli test or surgery procedure,
it still showed a good response 3,6-9 It was similar with this case,
the patient also diagnosed as intramedullary thoracic mass and suspected as
ependymoma in the beginning. Laminectomy was performed to reduce vertebral cord
pressure and biopsy. After the histopathology finding showed a positive result
of tuberculosis infection, antituberculosis drugs administered to the patient
along with rehabilitation, that was performed 1 months after surgery. 3,6-9
The gold standard method in
diagnosing extrapulmonary TB is positive TB culture from the tissue, however a
rapid biomarker or Mantoux test could be conducted to diagnose spinal TB before
collecting tissue sample from an invasive procedure, especially in children.
Hiroaki Torii et al reported SIMT case in adult, primary diagnosed as SIMT from
tuberculin test and MRI.9 Despite the patient finally got a surgery procedure
to reduce spinal cord pressure, diagnostic of SIMT enforced since beginning and
that was quite certain moreover histopathological finding revealed positive TB
infection. ChangHua Chen et al also described patients with spinal tuberculosis
showed a positive result of Interferon-γ release assays (IGRA) and TB
smear/culture of tissue. Granulation inflammation and caseous necrosis also
found in histopathological finding.11 This result suggests that chronic
granulation with caseous necrosis from histopathological finding in patient
with progressive clinical manifestation of spinal mass could be considered as
TB, since it significantly represents mycobacteria infection even though in
some cases culture or acid-fast bacilli test showed a negative result.4,6
Surgical intervention should be
performed where were an involvement of bone deformity, abscess, enlargement of
the lesion or the worsen symptoms after antitubercular treatment.3,6-9 In this
case, despite the patient started antitubercular treatment after 8 days of
surgery, however motoric skill gradually improve after 2 months of treatment
and laminectomy, hence the continuous phase of antitubercular treatment
continue for 1 year along with rehabilitation.
Because rehabilitative treatment in Spinal TB infection, evidently
increases a significant clinical improvement during treatment with/without surgery.
SIMT is a rare manifestation of
extrapulmonary TB in children, however, early diagnosis and intervention would
give a good prognosis. Even though it is difficult to differ SIMT with
paravertebral mass from radiological finding, but this case brings to mind an
awareness to diagnose spinal TB with a non-invasive procedure first when
encounter children with similar symptoms of progressive weakness of extremities
with vertebral mass from radiological finding with/without bone deformity,
moreover, who lived in endemic area.
The authors certify that they have
obtained all appropriate patient consent forms. In the form the patient(s)
has/have given his/her/their consent for his/her/their images and other clinical
information to be reported in the journal. The patients understand that their
names and initials will not be published, and due efforts will be made to
conceal their identity, but anonymity cannot be guaranteed.
There are no conflicts of
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