1- Pediatric
Residency Program, Faculty of Medicine Lambung Mangkurat University.
2- Pediatric
Department, Endocrinology Division, Faculty of Medicine Lambung Mangkurat
3- Obstetrics
and Gynecology Department, Reproductive Endocrinology Fertility Division,
Faculty of Medicine Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, Indonesia
Van Wyk Grumbach syndrome (VWGS) is a rare syndrome,
characterized by hypothyroidism, delayed bone age, isosexual precocious puberty
and ovarian cysts. The symptoms completely reverse back to pre-pubertal state
after treatment with thyroxine. This case report illustrates a seven-year-old
girl who was referred with vaginal bleeding, ovarian cysts and had the features
suggestive of VWGS. We explore risk factors for VWGS, and discuss the clinical
presentation, pathophysiological mechanisms, and management of this patient.
Keywords: hypothyroidism, precocious puberty, ovarian cysts
Van Wyk Grumbach
syndrome is a result of prolonged untreated primary hypothyroidism.1–3 Primary
hypothyroidism is a common endocrine abnormality leading to multiple system
impairments, one of which is reproductive disorders.4 Primary
hypothyroidism in childhood often presents with a delayed puberty, but long
standing hypothyroidism can rarely manifest as precocious puberty.2,5,6 Precocious puberty
in VWGS can present breast enlargement and uterine bleeding without axillary or
pubic hair.1,3,7 The development of
isosexual precocious pseudo-puberty in VWGS is characterized by extra-pituitary
secretion of gonadotropins (GnRH independent).2,8 Bone age is
accelerated in precocious puberty, but is delayed in the VWGS.1
Ovarian cyst is a common cause of gynecologic
surgery.4,9 The etiology varies from complex composition
of the ovary or result from endocrine abnormality.4 Ovarian cysts
concomitant with precocious puberty, pituitary hyperplasia and prolonged
untreated hypothyroidism was first described by Van Wyk and Grumbach.6 The exact mechanism is still not clear. In 1960, Van Wyk and
Grumbach were treated three girls with precocious menstruation, hypothyroidism,
delayed bone age, and enlarged ovarian cysts with thyroxine, then the symptoms
regressed over 6 months to 1 year with medical therapy alone without any
surgical intervention.6,8
A 7-year-old girl was
referred to the pediatric endocrine specialty clinic from gynecologist with
vaginal bleeding for 3 days and bilateral ovarian cysts, concerning for
precocious puberty. She has never menarche before, also her axillary and pubic
hair have not grown. She has no abdominal pain or mass, weight loss, cold
intolerance, constipation, vomiting, headache, or visual symptoms. She was the
first child of non-consanguineous marriage, full-term baby by caesarean
delivery, birth weight 3800 grams, no history of feeding difficulties,
hypotonia, prolonged jaundice, seizure, constipation or umbilical hernia. There
was a history of thyroglossal duct cyst surgery 3 years ago due to neck cyst
from birth that enlarges 3 cm. No history of routine drug use or radiation
exposure. She had normal Denver II of development. There was history of short
stature in the family and her grandmother has a goiter. No family history of
ovarian cyst, precocious or delayed puberty, infertility, genital abnormalities
or malignancy.
She has short stature
and obesity. Her body has been fat since few years, even though she only ate
1-2 times a day. Her height was 110 cm (<3rd percentile), weight
was 28,3 kg (75-90th percentile), body mass index was 25 (BMI for
age percentile >97th), mid upper arm circumference was 21 cm, and
upper segment was 59,5 cm (upper/lower ratio 1,1). Her height below mid
parental height range prediction (158,5 ± 8,5 cm) and height percentiles
decreased crossing multiple curves during 3 years from 97 cm (50th
percentile) to 110 cm (<3rd percentile). Her pulse rate was 84
bpm, respiratory rate 18 x/min, temperature 36,5oC and blood
pressure 96/65 mmHg. Tanner’s staging for sexual maturation was A1M2P1. There
was postoperative scars in the middle of the neck, but thyroid gland not
enlarged and no thyroid nodules palpable. There was no dysmorphic features,
clitoromegaly, hyperpigmentation, ambiguous genitalia or other abnormalities.
From laboratory
examination, she had a normal hemoglobin level of 12,5 g/dL. Hormonal profile
revealed hypothyroidism with low free
thyroxine (FT4) 8.43 pmol/L (normal 9-20), high thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) >1000 uIU/ml
(0.4-6), also hypergonadotropic hypogonadism with high FSH 6,11 mIU/ml (Tanner
1 = 0,38-3,6), low estradiol 11 pg/ml (<18) and LH 0,24 mIU/ml (0,7 - 2).
Thyroglobulin antibody (TgAb) <0,9 IU/L (≤1,75) and anti-thyroid peroxidase
antibody (TPO) <0,5 U/mL (<5,61). Prolactin and insulin-like growth
factor-1 (IGF-1) were not done due to financial constraints. Pelvic
ultrasonography showed bilateral cysts with left ovarian cyst size 3.14 x 2.5 x
1.8 cm, and right adnexal cyst 5.2 x 4.08 x 4.9 cm (Figure 1). Tumor marker was
normal with HCG <2 mIU/ml (<2), AFP 1.53 ng/ml (0.89 - 8.78), CA-125
12.54 U/mL (<35). Thyroid ultrasonography did not reveal any residual
thyroglossal duct cyst, thyroid nodule or other abnormality. Her bone age
revealed delayed bone age 2 years based on Greulich and Pyle’s atlas (Figure
2). Head CT scan did not reveal any mass or abnormality (Figure 3).
The diagnosis VWGS based on the findings of precocious puberty, hypothyroidism, delayed bone age, and bilateral ovarian cysts. She received L-thyroxine therapy daily dose of 100 µg (3,5 μg/kg/day) and evaluated thyroid functions every month. During follow-up, her compliance was good and the L-thyroxine dose was titrated based on thyroid laboratory results from a daily dose of 100 µg to 75 µg. After 4 months of L-thyroxine therapy, she had clinical improvement with weight 24,1 kg (25-50th percentile), height 116 cm (3rd percentile), BMI for age 75-90th percentile, normal thyroid functions with FT4 17.42 pmol/L (9-20) and TSH 1.482 uIU/ml (0.4-6) and the repeat pelvic USG revealed complete regression of bilateral ovarian cysts (Figure 4).
Our patient presented
with features of vaginal bleeding, precocious puberty, bilateral ovarian cysts,
hypothyroidism and delayed bone age. Normally, puberty begins with activation
of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, and estradiol will cause breast
enlargement, pubertal growth spurt, and rapid bone maturation, then menarche
usually occurs at least 2 years after onset of breast enlargement.10 Precocious puberty
in girls defined as signs of puberty before 8 years of age, referring to breast
enlargement (confirmed by palpation).10,11 The etiology divided
into central (GnRH dependent) and peripheral (GnRH independent).10,11 In our case,
precocious puberty with bilateral ovarian cysts may suggested an
estrogen-secreting ovarian tumor, but there was discrepancy because of delayed
bone age and severe hypothyroidism, which is typical to VWGS.8 The etiology precocious puberty in VWGS is due to TSH-mediated activation of gonadal
FSH receptors (GnRH independent).8
Childhood ovarian cysts more common in
adolescent periods. Mostly asymptomatic or mild, and usually discovered incidentally by
ultrasonography.12 The etiology includes functional cysts,
neoplastic/ malignancy, endocrine abnormality, etc.4,12,13 Functional cysts occur during normal menstrual
cycle when follicles fail to rupture during ovulation or when corpus luteum not
dissolution, then continue to grow because of hormonal stimulation. While the neoplastic cysts arise from the inappropriate overgrowth of
cells within the ovary.12 One of endocrine causes of ovarian cyst
formation is hypothyroidism.12,13 Pathophysiology is still not clear, but the
hypothesis because of structural resemblance between TSH and FSH (interaction
between high TSH and ovarian FSH receptor).4 Surgery intervention for ovarian cysts
performed if adnexal torsion, acute rupture with hemorrhage, or suspected malignancy.12,13 Hypothyroidism and other endocrine
abnormalities (McCune-Albright syndrome, ectopic gonadotrophin adenoma secreting
FSH) should be ruled out in childhood ovarian cysts to avoid unnecessary surgical intervention.4,9
Hypothyroidism is a
deficiency in thyroid hormone. The etiology includes congenital or childhood
(acquired); primary (thyroid gland), secondary (pituitary) or tertiary
(hypothalamus); permanent or transient.14,15 The most common
cause of acquired childhood hypothyroidism is Hashimoto (autoimmune)
thyroiditis.6,7,14 The other cause are
post-ablation (surgical, irradiation to neck), medication
effects, iodine deficiency,
late-onset congenital hypothyroidism, etc.14 Several case studies
report VWGS due to autoimmune thyroiditis,2,16,17 suprasellar mass
(pituitary hyperplasia),3,18–20 post resection
thyroglossal duct cyst,21 genetic disorders
(Alport syndrome).22 In our case, it is
still possible caused by post-surgical, or late-onset congenital.
hypothyroidism can cause complications including short stature, obesity,
hyperlipidemia, delayed puberty, or in rare case, precocious puberty, such
as VWGS.7,21,22 VWGS can be
diagnosed by clinical profile and laboratory examinations without doing
surgery. Clinical profile is characterized by severe hypothyroidism, isosexual
precocious puberty, delayed bone age, ovarian cysts.3,8,23 Girls can have
breast enlargement, vaginal bleeding, galactorrhea and ovarian cysts, whereas
boys only have testicular enlargement without virilization. 2,17 Hormonal profile in VWGS is characterized by elevated TSH, prolactin, estradiol,
pre-pubertal LH and decreased free thyroxine.2,20
Mechanisms of VWGS refer to high TSH levels stimulate FSH receptors,
inducing FSH-like effects on gonads (gonad hyperstimulation, increased ovary
size and cysts, myxedematous infiltration of the ovary, increased estrogen with
uterine bleeding, breast enlargement), without increased androgens (absence of
axillary and pubic hair).1,3,8 High TSH also increasing prolactin, then effects
of high prolactin are selective suppression of LH with an increased FSH
production that cause increased follicular maturation.8,19 Beside cysts and precocious puberty, the effect of high TSH causes slow chondrocyte
differentiation resulting delayed bone age, also decreased metabolism/oxygen requirement
resulting decreased red blood cell production (anemia).8
The raised tumor markers (CA-125, AFP, LDH) can be
found in VWGS, which adding confusion to ovarian germ cell tumor.8,16,17,24 An elevated tumor
marker can cause significant anxiety for both patients and clinicians. CA-125
is secreted by mesothelial cells in response to stress-mechanical (fluid
overload) or inflammatory mediators (TNF, interleukins). The elevated CA-125
and alpha fetoprotein (AFP) in VWGS due to increased secretion by ovarian cyst,
peritoneal inflammation, long standing hypothyroidism or delayed clearance.16,17 Hypothyroidism
causes myopathy and elevation of muscle enzymes such as lactate dehydrogenase
(LDH).8 In our case, there
was no increase in tumor markers.
Therapy of VWGS is aimed at the management of
hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormone replacement results in complete regression of
symptoms to pre-pubertal state without surgery (oophorectomy or cystectomy).7,8 The duration of
thyroxine therapy was different in some case studies, range from 1 months to
several years.2–4,8,9,17,24,25 Follow-up include
clinical examination (weight, height), thyroid functions, tumor markers
and pelvic USG can be done 3 monthly.8 In our case,
vanishing ovarian cysts and normal thyroid function achieved within 4 months of
thyroxine therapy.
VWGS is a rare case.
It is characterized by juvenile
hypothyroidism, isosexual precocious puberty and delayed bone age. Severe hypothyroidism can cause ovarian
cysts, breast enlargement and vaginal bleeding. Thyroid hormone replacement is the key management of
patients with VWGS. Ovarian cysts and other symptoms completely regress
with medical therapy alone.
Early recognition and initiation of hypothyroidism treatment avoids unnecessary
surgery intervention in
girl with VWGS.
There are no conflicts of interest.
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