Ref Number = PITIKA-ASPR0014
Apriani Aridan, Hadia Angriani
Background. Spasmophilia is a latent tetani caused by hyperiritability or hyperexcitability of the nervous system which manifests as muscle spasms and various neuroastenia symptoms in the form of headache, anxiety, gastro intestinal disorders, palpitations, syncope, to tonic spasms.It can occur due to a lack of calcium (hypocalcemia) but there is also a condition where idiopathic  latent tetany has the level of calcium in the blood which is almost always normal. The peak incidence of headache during puberty (11-14 years old) and the highest prevalence in girls.Investigation that can detect this abnormality is electromyography
Objective. To report a case of  spasmophilia in children aged a fourteen years old.
Case. A boy 14 years old admitted with complaints of headache  experienced 1 week before being admitted to hospital, headache is felt all over the head, strangling but not pulsating, without nausea or vomiting, not exacerbated by physical activity, cough and on the third day the patient complained of pain in the calf area making him difficult to walk. Physical examination is obtained by Chovstek (+) level 3. Laboratory examination of calcium 10.5 mg/dl, head CT scan within normal limits, EMG impression of quadriplet +3 which means heavy type. Therapy in this patient with paracetamol, diazepam, psychotherapy.
Conclusion. Diagnosis of spasmophilia is based on history, neurological physical examination, laboratory and EMG. The prognosis of this patient is bonam.
Keywords: spasmophilia, headache, electromyography (EMG), tetany
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