Abstract Ref Number = APCP115
Invited Speakers
Safe Management for Donor Human Milk in Indonesia
Rinawati Rohsiswatmo, Rosalina Dewi Roeslani
Every infant should be exclusively breastfed during their early life. If mother’s own milk (MOM) is unavailable, the alternative should be the use of human milk from other sources (donor human milk).The potent benefits of human milk are numerous and needed for the newborn, especially the sick babies. The use of donor human milk is associated with decreased mortality and incidence of infectionand necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). Therefore, it is recommendedfor the high risk group such as preterm and very low birth weight infant (VLBW)if MOM is unavailable. Implementinghuman milk feeding in NICU is very important. As a central referral hospital in Indonesia, Ciptomangunkusumo Hospital provides human milk sharing.The preparation itself is challenging. We collect human milk from mothers whose babies got admitted and from any mother who wants to be a donor. We separate the human milk donor into: male and female baby’s mothers group. The donor human milk will be sterilized and screened with appropriate measuresby trained staff. In terms of optimizing growth in VLBW, our institution fulfils the basic nutrition requirement byalways initiating early feeding of MOM. We try to suffice at least 65% of the babies’ need of MOM, as the predominant source of nutrition in their early life (predominant human milk). Sick babies with feeding intolerance who struggle to feed must get oral care, trophic feeding, and priming with only human’s milk. However,in some cases with babies who don’t have MOM will get donor human milk under informed consent beforehand. The total amount of predominant human milk from January-June 2018 was 19%, and this data is supported by the decreasing incidence of NEC from 4.6% to 3.1% in early 6 months of 2018. Mothers are encouraged every day by nursing staff to keep pumping MOM.
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