Kautsar Prastudia,Endy P Prawirohartono
Departement of Child Health Medical Faculty Universitas Gadjah Mada
Background : Cholestasis can negatively affect growth. Breastfeed consists of triglycerides that are easily broken down into free fatty acids and glycerol by the lipase enzymes, however in cholestasis there is disruption of lipase transport. MCT (middle chain triglyceride) hydrolysis does not require lipase enzymes, so this accelerates its absorption. This study aims is to determine the differences in growth velocity according to nutrient intake on cholestasis patient.
Material : The diagnosis of cholestasis is established when direct bilirubin> 1 mg/dL if total bilirubin <5 mg/dL or direct bilirubin> 20% of total bilirubin if total bilirubin> 5 mg/dL. Growth velocity were assessed by weight at diagnosis of cholestasis, and weight at 4 weeks later and categorized using WHO growth velocity standards. At risk failure to thrive if <5th percentile. All data were obtained from medical records of cholestasis patient in pediatric ward RSUP Dr. Sardjito from January 2015 to December 2017. The statistical test using Pearson Chi-square.
Results : 10 of 31 (32.3%) patients diagnosed with cholestasis have at risk failure to thrive. 5 of 15 (33.3%) patients with cholestasis who received breastfeed only intake have at risk failure to thrive. 4 of 11 (36.4%) cholestasis patients who received breastfeed and MCT have at risk failure to thrive. The statistical test was obtained p> 0.05 so it was not statistically significant.
Conclusions : There was no statistically significant difference in breastfeed compared to breastfeed and MCT on growth velocity in cholestasis patients. This is because the growth velocity in cholestasis patients is also affected, among others, liver function. Further research is needed with more precise variable measurement methods, and considers the underlying disease.