Exclusive Breastfeeding and the Growth of the Babies up to 0-24 Months Old in Hermina Hospital Bogor
Hanifah Rohmah,Amy Diana,Raynaldy Budhi
Hermina Bogor
Background : The First 1000 days of life is widely known as golden period of the babies, because this time could have a big impact in determining he growth and development of that children. One of the important aspect on it, is breastfeeding. Breastfeeding has the important role to complete the nutrition for child on this golden period, especially in their first 6 months. This study was designed to determine correlation between the administration of breast-fed exclusively and the growth of the babies up to 0-24 months old.
Material : We reviewed medical record of 58 aterm infants with normal birth weight that was born around 2015 from January to December in Hermina Bogor General Hospital. From all of the data, the babies that were fulfilled the criteria of inclusion and had an exclusive breast-fed period were assessed by seeing their weight gain up to 24 months old.
Results : From 58 subjects, 32 babies met the inclusion criteria. 27 babies (84,375%) were breast-fed exclusive and 5 babies (15,625%) were non-exclusive breastfeeding. The weight gain progress is suprisingly above expectations for the first 3 months periods for the babies with breast-fed exclusive. But after reaching the 6 months old period, the weight gain progress is vary among the subjects.
Conclusions : Exclusive breastfeeding has significant correlation with the growth from 0-24 moths especially in the first 3 months until 6 months old which is the breast-fed exclusive golden period. Promoting and improving the program of exclusive breastfeeding is imporntant for better growth and development of the children.
Keywords: Exclusive Breastfeeding Babies Weight Gain The first 1000 days of life Children Growth
Disclaimer: The Views and opinions expressed in the articles are of the authors and not of the journal.
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