Abstract Ref Number = APCP128
Invited Speakers
Optimizing nutrition intervention to prevent brain injury in preterm infants
Tunjung Wibowo
Department of Child Health, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Public Health, UniversitasGadjahMadaSardjito General Hospital, Yogyakarta
Brain development is one of important issues in preterm infant. Structurally, the brain surface transforms from being largely smooth at 25 weeks of gestation to demonstrating a nearly-mature pattern of sulci and gyri by term equivalent age.Brain developmental processes of preterm that normally take place in utero instead occur after birth, in the NICU environment. In fact, extra-uterine can't mimic intra-uterine environment. therefore, Premature infant, especially very low birth weight and extremely low birth weight have higher risk of brain damage, decreased of cortical grey matter volume, alteration of subcortical structures, decreased microstructural connectivity and different pattern of neuronal activation compare to term born infant. While many factors influence neurodevelopmental outcomes in preterm infants, nutrition is one of the most important factor. Moreover, healthcare team has a great deal of control over its provision. Therefore, strategies to optimize nutritional care play an important role in reducing long-term neurodevelopmental morbidities in preterm infants
While all nutrients are important for brain development, certain ones including glucose, protein, fats (including long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids), iron, zinc, copper, iodine, folate and choline have particularly large roles in the preterm infant. Beside the nutrition content, onset of nutrition intake after birth and volume of certain nutrition in early life also important determinant for the preterm infant brain development.
Several strategiessuch as Enhanced Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition including breast milk fortification has been developedto meet the nutritional needs of premature infant.