Abstract Ref Number = APCP130
Invited Speakers
“The First 1000 days of life” Mother environment, is it linked to child health?
Yasuhide Nakamura Professor of Konan Womens University, Professor Emeritus of Osaka University
Backgrounds: The new theory of DevelopmentalOriginsofHealthandDisease (DOHaD) has been recognized in recent two decades. The theory found that undernutrition during gestation was an important early origin of adult cardiac and metabolic disorders due to fetal programming. The continuumof care has also been promoted to ensure the seamless care delivery in the first 1000 days of life during pregnancy, delivery, newborn and infant.In Japan, Maternal and Child Health Handbook (MCHH) has been utilized for 70 years to promote maternal and child health before these theories. Methods: The role of MCHH in Japan was analyzed to reveal the relationship between maternal health and child health by the methodology of history of medicine. Results: MCHH itself does not decrease directly IMR and MMR, but MCHH program may improve the knowledge of mothers and change the behaviors of mothers towards MCH care. MCHH plays a role to encourage a mutual relationship between health providers and users, because both health professionalsand parents can easily understand minimum standard of health care for mothers and children. Meta-analysis studies of the effects of MCHH revealed that mothers who used MCHH during pregnancy had a higher knowledge of child health care than those who did not. Discussions: MCHH program can guarantee the continuum of maternal, neonatal and child health care, even these interventions are conducted in different times, at different places, by different healthcare professionals, and run by many organizations. In future, the digital MCHH will strengthen the relationship between mothers and children in consideration with the early prevention of DOHaD.
Disclaimer: The Views and opinions expressed in the articles are of the authors and not of the journal.
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