Abstract Ref Number = APCP208
Oral Presentation
Roy Amardiyanto,Irawan Mangunatmadja,Nia Kurniati,Hardiono D Pusponegoro,RA Setyo Handryastuti,Mulya Rahma Karyanti
Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia
Background : The purpose of this study was to identified maladaptive behavior encountered in a group of school-age HIV-infected children of clinically and immunologically stable with antiretroviral in Indonesia.
Material : A cross-sectional studies in previously treated HIV-infected children aged 7 to 17 years was conducted between February and March 2018. The children who were attending a Pediatric Allergy-Immunology clinic in Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (CMH), Jakarta. All of the participants were vertically infected with the HIV virus (mother-to-child transmission) and treated with antiretroviral (ARV). The children's caregivers were administered the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale 2nd edition (VABS-2) to determine the caregivers 'perception of the children's maladaptive behavioral problems. Maladaptive behavioral findings were showed with maladaptive behavior index. Three categories were used to describe performance on the maladaptive behavior index and its internalizing and externalizing subscales. Those categories were average, elevated, and clinically significant.
Results : The number of subjects in our study was 63 children. Subjects median age and CD4 percentage were 11.5 years (range 8.0-16.6) and 30 (range 11-45). Maladaptive behavior index revealed a proportion of 26 (41.3%), 32 (50.8%) and 5 (7.9%) of the children scored in the average, elevated and clinical significant, respectively. Proportions of internalizing maladaptive behavior subscales (e.g. anxiety, withdrawal) for average, elevated and clinically significant were 27 (42.9%), 32 (50.8%) and 4 (6.3%) subjects, respectively. Thus, 31 (49.2%), 27 (42.9%) and 5 (7.9%) subjects were perceived as having externalizing maladaptive behavior (e.g. aggressive behavior, rule breaking).
Conclusions : Clinically and immunologically stable HIV-infected school-age children had high maladaptive behavior index including its internalizing and externalizing subscales.
Keywords: HIV-infected children antiretroviral maladaptive behavior