Abstract Ref Number = APCP226
Oral Presentation
Bitter taste sensitivity to phenylthiocarbamide and sinonasal symptoms
Debora Shinta Liana,Samuel Yan Touw,Azaria Amelia Adam,Sidarta Sagita
Departement of Child Health Departement of Child Health Departement of Microbiology and Immunology Departement of IKMIKKOM
Background : Sinonasal symptoms are common in children with rhinitis. The bitter taste sensitivity has demonstrated to protect the upper respiratory tract by increasing the ciliary beat frequency and free radical secretion in order to eradicate incoming pathogen. The bitter taste receptor (T2R38) is expressed in the tongue and nasal epithelium. The expression of functional T2R38 receptor can detected by the taste of the bitter compound phenylthiocarbamide (PTC). The aim of this study is to analyze the association between bitter taste (T2R38) sensitivity and sinonasal symptom in children.
Material : A cross sectional study in children age 12-14 year old from two public school in Kupang district. Severity of sinonasal symptoms were obtained using a questionnaire of SNOT-20 and sinonasal symptoms frequency. The bitter taste sensitivity is classified as non taster, taster and supertaster after five minutes when each subject placed a strip of PTC paper (Precision Lab.R).
Results : Out of 125 subjects, 61% was male. Twelve percent of subjects (n=15) did not detect bitterness (non-taster), and 25% (n=32) were taster, and 63% (n=78) were supertaster. SNOT 20 questionnaire was asked to all subject, there were 4% (n=5) classified as no problem, 77,6% (n=97) were mild problem, while 18,4% (n=23) were severe problem in sinonasal symptoms. The data was analyzed using the Spearman test, the correlation between bitter taste sensitivity and sinonasal frequency were r=-0,116 (P=0,196), and severity of sinonasal symptoms and bitter taste was r=0,12 (P=0,259).
Conclusions : There is no correlation between the bitter taste sensitivity with sinonasal symptom frequency as well as the severity of sinonasal symptoms.
Keywords: bitter taste T2R38 taste receptor rhinitis quality of life