Abstract Ref Number = APCP227
Oral Presentation
Pebriansyah Pebriansyah,Vini Jamarin,R Adhi Teguh Perma Iskandar
Bunda Women and Children Hospital Jakarta
Background : Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) is the most common chronic lung disease affecting mostly premature infants who required mechanical ventilation and oxygen therapy for acute respiratory distress with significant morbidity and mortality. However, studies to identify risk factors associated with BPD in developing country is lacking.
Material : A cross-sectional study with consecutive sampling was conducted using medical records from Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) Bunda Women and Children Hospital from January to December 2017. Inclusion criteria including all infants admitted to NICU, excluding those with incomplete data. From 208 patients, a total of 175 patients met the criteria and were evaluated with cross 2x2 tables using SPSS 23 for Windows. Neonatal and maternal risk factors considered were sex, gestational age, birth weight, Apgar Score, length of respiratory support, both non-invasive and invasive, and neonatal sepsis.
Results : Data showed the factors associated with development of BPD were birth weight <1500 gr (p value=0,013 CI=95%), length of non-invasive respiratory support > 7 days (p value=<0,001), and length of invasive respiratory support > 7 days (p value=0,005). On the other hand, sex (p value=0,383), gestational age <32 weeks (p value=0,069), Apgar Score of first minutes < 7 (p value=0,061), Apgar Score of fifth minutes < 7 (p value=0,069), and neonatal sepsis (p value=1,0) were not correlated to the development of BPD.
Conclusions : Similar to previous studies, our study showed that birth weight, length of respiratory support, both non-invasive and invasive were associated with BPD. However, unlike the other investigators, we found that sex, gestational age, history of asphyxia during labor and neonatal sepsis were not correlated with the development of BPD. Therefore, further investigation is needed to explore more about factors associated with the development of BPD.
Keywords: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia Respiratory distress Risk factors Infants