Background : Based on WHO data, the number of childhood obesity worldwide is 41 million and the trend continuously increase. Since it can cause many complications, we have to target childhood obesity. One of the strategy is by increasing physical activity, although there are many barriers we deal with. The purpose of the investigation is to systematically review the effects of physical activity to reduce childhood obesity and make a suggestion for future intervention.
Material : We conducted literature search from four electronic databases, consists of Pubmed, Cochrane, Sciencedirect, and Biomedcentral from 2008 to 2018. We include studies with participants obese child age 2-18 years old. From the search we found 11 articles, four of them included to high quality clinical trials.
Results : Variety of physical activity which suggested in this study was feasible and effective to reduce obesity in children. Perhaps that was due to they had decrease their leisure time. Statistically the impact of physical activity on child obesity showed no significant impact on BMI but some studies showed positive impacts on BMI.
Conclusions : Physical activity interventions may be bene?cial in achieving small and short-term reductions on BMI. Multidisciplinary approach such as diet, behaviour, and role of parent, should be included in the further research as the most appropriate forms of post-intervention maintenance in order to ensure intervention bene?ts sustain over the longer term.
Keywords: Child Obesity Physical Activity
Disclaimer: The Views and opinions expressed in the articles are of the authors and not of the journal.
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