Abstract Ref Number = APCP33
Invited Speakers
School Readiness and Child Development
Hesti Lestari
Child Health Department, Faculty of Medicine, Sam Ratulangi University
School readiness is a condition in which a child is ready to engage in learning experiences at school. In most country, including Indonesia, for typically developing children, age has historically been the most common factor determining when a child starts formal schooling. Specifically, school readiness falls into several domains including 1) physical health and well-being which refers to children’s physical preparedness for the school day, physical independence, and fine and gross motor skills, 2) social competence which covers all social competences, responsibility and respect, approaches to learning, and readiness explore new things, 3) emotional maturity which covers prosocial behavior, cooperative behavior, anxious behavior and fear, aggression, as well as inattention and hyperactivity, 4) language and cognitive development which refers to basic literacy skills, interest and memory, more complex literacy, and basic numeracy skills, and 5) communication skills and general knowledge.
The responsibility for school readiness of the child lies not only with the child but also with the families, communities, and schools that shape his or her development. Families and communities play a critical role in ensuring children’s growth in all of the domain of school readiness. Early experiences, relationships, and emotions can create and reinforce the neural connections that are the basis for learning. Children who enter school ready to learn are expected to achieve more academically. Academic success has been linked to improved social, economic, and health outcomes.