Laboratory tests in Newborn: Which ones, Why, When and How often?
JeanPierre Chanoine
Clinical Professor, Division of Endocrinology,Department of Pediatrics
University of British Columbia, Canada
Laboratory investigations are an integral part of the assessment and the management of pediatric endocrine diseases. They are also invasive, can be expensive and thoughtful ordering of appropriate tests is therefore a key aspect of good pediatric practice. The physiology of the endocrine system differs markedly in neonates and in older children.
In this presentation, we will discuss the characteristics of the neonatal hormonal system. We will also review the endocrine tests that are most useful for the diagnosis of common endocrine conditions of the thyroid, adrenal, growth hormone and gonadal axes in the neonate. We will highlight tests that are not expected to provide useful information and propose strategies for the follow up of common endocrine conditions.
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