Abstract Ref Number = APCP56
Invited Speakers
Implementation of hemodynamic monitoring in shock
Neurinda Permata Kusumastuti
Child Health Departement, Airlangga UniversitySoetomo Hospital Surabaya
Shock is a clinical condition of hemodynamic instability diminishes oxygen supply to the end organ, which is result in end organ dysfunction and associated with a significant increased in morbidity and mortality rate. So that hemodynamic management represents a cornerstone of intensive care therapy. With hemodynamic monitoring, we aim to guide our medical management so as to prevent or treat organ failure and improve the outcomes of our patients, such as measures intravascular volume status, fluid responsiveness and titrating vassopressor and inotropic agent. Using only standard monitoring techniques such as vital sign (heart rate, blood pressure), temperature gradient, etc along with clinical examination (urine production or degree of conciousness) can fail to detect the shift in hemodynamic status.
To optimalize the monitoring in shock children, we have to combine the standard monitoring, clinical examination and further hemodynamic monitoring. There are several different techniques for further hemodynamic monitoring, include invasive, less-invasive and non invasive techniques, which can be static or dynamically monitor the hemodynamic. These techniques have its own limitations and advanteges in daily practise, expecially in resource limited setting. That’s why we can’t not use a single hemodynamic variable for diagnosis and management of shock.
Keywords: hemodynamic, hemodynamic monitoring, shock