Pediatric Palliative Care Services in Queensland, Australia
Christine Mott
Lady Cilento Childrens Hospital Hummingbird House Hospice
Paediatric palliative care is a growing specialty in many areas, including in Australia. Queensland is a state in the north east region of Australia with a population of around 4.7 million and covering a 1.8 million square kilometrearea. Paediatric Palliative Care services in this region include a single tertiary children’s hospital palliative care service and a recently established children’s hospice. The Paediatric Palliative Care Service based at Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital offers interdisciplinary inpatient, outpatient and home-based care for children with life-limiting illnesses. The Hummingbird House is a children’ hospice that opened in 2016 under Wesley Mission Queensland management, offering admissions for short break stays, symptom management, end of life care and post-death care. The establishment of these services, the challenges of and necessary service adaptions to the Queensland context, referral processes, connections between the services, what these services are able to offer currently and going forward into the future will be explored.
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