Abstract Ref Number = APCP951
Poster Presentation
Amaliah Harumi Karim,Angga Maulana Ibrahim Weeluri Primary Health Care Waibakul General Hospital
Background : Herpes Zoster (Shingles) is caused by Varicella Zoster Virus). The primary infection of this virus manifests as varicella whereas its reactivation of this virus causes herpes zoster. Due to its pathophysiology, herpes zoster is rarely observed in children. This case aims to elaborate the risk factors of herpes zoster in children. Case Presentation Summary : A boy, 9 years old, came to primary health care outpatient clinic complained of blisters since 7 days before admissions. The blisters cames without pain. He complained a fever too. At the age of 1 years old, the boy had suffered from chicken pox. There was no history of chickenpox in the mother during her pregnancy. The Patient is not on immunosuppressant therapy. No history of immunodeficiency disease. Physical examination revealed grouped herpetiform purulent vesicles develop on the erythematous base, appear unilaterally and confined to T9-T10 dermatome. A clinical diagnosis of Herpes Zoster was made and the child was put on Acyclovir and other supportive drugs. Skin rash cleared in 1 week Learning Points/Discussion : Varicella-zoster virus causes primary, latent, and recurrent infections. The primary infection of this virus manifests as varicella and then dormant in the sensory neuron ganglion. Reactivation of this virus causes herpes zoster. This disease is rare in children. The presence of varicella zoster virus infection in the first year of life increases the risk of herpes zoster in children. In addition, children who receive immunosuppressive and HIV-infected therapy also have a risk of developing herpes zoster. Symptoms of herpes zoster in children tend to have milder symptoms compared with symptoms that occur in adults. Although in terms of epidemiology Herpes Zoster disease is more common in adults, this case suggests that it can occur in children as well. We need to carefully find the risk factor.
Keywords: Herpes Zoster Rare Case Children
Disclaimer: The Views and opinions expressed in the articles are of the authors and not of the journal.
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